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Photo by Tristan Spinski

Welcome! Our lab conducts fieldwork and exploration in tropical and temperate systems to understand how environmental change affects wildlife populations and communities.

Thoughts & blogs

News & updates

Tropical Bird Declines Highlighted Alongside Wolfe Lab Research in New Conservation Article


Media - October 2024

Effects of Amazonian Fragmentation on avian age ratios and foraging guilds


Research - June 2024

Using indigenous bird knowledge to guide prescribed burns in California and Oregon


Research - June 2023

Distribution of Grey-necked Picathartes in Central Africa


Research - May 2023

Effects of oil palm on migrant bird territoriality


Published Research - December 2022

Niche partitioning of Amazonian Woodcreepers


Published Research - March 2022

Explorations in the foraging ecology and behavior of woodcreepers to answer a simple question: how can multiple and seemingly similar species occur in sympatry?

Global database of avian functional traits

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Published Research - February 2022

Biodiversity Initiative contributed key African banding data to a global dataset of avian functional traits

New book on understory birds


Published Book - December 2021

Jared contributed two chapters to a new book titled Elusive Birds of the Tropical Understory. You can find more on the publisher's website and Amazon. 

Physiological changes in Amazonian birds


Published Research - November 2021

How does climate change affect the physiology of Amazonian birds? Check out our collaborative research to find out. 

Towards a global system of categorizing bird age


Published Research - November 2021

Latest improvements to the WRP age classification system to make it more precise and user friendly. 

Effects of road development on Afrotopical birds


Published Research - September 2021

Study detailing the effects of road development on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, on the species richness and functional diversity of birds.

Nara banding station is open


Field activities - May 2021

We began bird banding operations at the Nara Nature Park, our newest avian monitoring station. Located within a few minutes from MTU, our Nara station provides wildlife students an opportunity to learn hands-on techniques right in Houghton.

Shifting baselines in Amazonia

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Published research - March 2021

Long term monitoring reveals a shifting bird community in remote Amazonian forest. Read more in our latest contribution in Ecology Letters.

Avian conservation in African cocoa farms

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Published research - February 2021

How do bird communities differ between cacao farms and pristine forest? Learn the answer to this question in our latest article in Journal of Applied Ecology.

Neotropical migrants in Mexican oil palm

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Published research - February 2021

Oil palm agriculture continues to expand throughout Latin America. In this study, we aimed to determine if overwintering migrant birds use oil palm farms in Mexico. Access our article in the Journal of Field Ornithology. 

Adaptive significance of avian molt in the Neotropics


Published research - January 2021

White-plumed antbirds are the slowest molting songbird on earth. What selective pressures led to this and other unique molt patterns? Learn the answer to this and other molt related questions in our contribution in Ornithology

Photo essay published on bird & molt research in the Wolfe Lab

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Published research - December 2020

Explore the colors of songbird migration in a photo essay and unscripted interview that displays the ways distance and timing affect plumage.

Effects of fragmentation on Amazonian bird survival

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Published research - November 2020

How does fragmentation influence bird survival in the Amazon? Learn how in our latest contribution in Avian Research

Migrant habitat ecology on the wintering grounds

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Published research - October 2020

Collaborative review focused on the habitat ecology of overwintering migrants in Central and South America published in Ornithological Applications.

Measuring site fidelity among molting songbirds

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Published research - September 2020

Tackling a difficult question: do migratory songbirds exhibit site fidelity to molting grounds? Learn more by reading our latest contribution in Ornithology.


© 2024 by Jared D. Wolfe

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