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Courses taught at Michigan Technological University, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (started in Fall 2018)


Wildlife Habitat (Summer & Fall)

Techniques used to assess the value of habitat to wildlife populations and communities. Strategies used to integrate wildlife conservation into forest management and planning. Click here for class photos from a recent bird banding demonstration;  click here for most recent course evaluations.


Wildlife Research Techniques (Fall)

Wide-ranging class focused on all aspects of wildlife research, including: study design, scientific method, writing & oral communication, analysis, and field techniques. Click here for most recent course evaluations. 


Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conservation (Spring 2022)

Why do dissimilar groups of people exhibit such different attitudes towards wildlife? How do different value systems arise? Why would someone seemingly vote against their own interests? Why is social media creating cultural and political polarization? In addition to tackling these important questions, students will learn strategies to critically think about complex issues, and engage with dissimilar stakeholders to achieve success inside-and-outside the wildlife management and conservation arena. Click here for most recent course evaluations. 


Conservation Biology (Spring 2020)

Evolution and distribution of biological diversity across the globe. Critical examination of patterns, threats, and mechanisms behind loss of biodiversity, and associated consequences such as loss of ecological function and trophic cascades. Finally, we review current and emergent tools used to conserve biodiversity and mitigate habitat loss. Click here for most recent evaluations.


Ornithology (Spring 2019)

Ecology, evolution, conservation, and identification of birds. In addition to lecture, we spend considerable time in the field practicing bird identification and learning techniques such as bird banding. Click here for class photos; click here for most recent evaluations.


Field Ornithology (Summer 2019) 

Field-intensive 1-credit course where we spend 3 days and 2 nights camping throughout the Upper Peninsula, visiting birding hot spots in the Keweenaw Peninsula, Seney Wildlife Refuge, and Whitefish Point to identify as many resident and migrant birds as possible. Click here for class photos and here for most recent evaluations.


Courses taught at Humboldt State University, Department of Wildlife


Management of Upland Habitats

Strategies and techniques used to manage upland systems for wildlife, including the integration of wildlife conservation into fire management and restoration techniques. Most recent course evaluation available here.


Wildlife Techniques

Lecture and field intensive course covering a diversity of field techniques culminating in a 3-day field biology experience. Click here for class trip photos and here for course project highlights. Most recent course evaluation available here.


Advanced Ornithology: Molt Ecology 

Survey of molt strategies and plumages across a diversity of avian taxa. Applicability of molt to classify bird age (field & lecture) in addition to discussion of those selective pressures that shape molt strategies. Most recent course evaluation available here.


Senior Project

Individual capstone project.

Wildlife techniques field trip to Mendocino Redwood Company. Photo by Dave Eubanks

Bird banding with wildlife techniques class. Photo by Dave Eubanks

bear tracks - field trip.jpg

Students with casts of black bear tracks

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